Inspiration, Psalms

Psalm 27

Written: Aug 30, 2019
Last Updated: Nov 13, 2019

As stated on the Psalm Songs page, this is just an expression of my passion toward God’s Kingdom. This is just an amateur’s attempt to show God my love.

The format of the song is just a plain words and the corresponding notes underneath the words. Once I develop these some more, they will be more readable, but until then you can listen to my untrained voice…

Click Play to listen

The Lord is  my light and   salva~~tion – of whom  shall  I   fear?
  A4   D5 D5D5   D5   C5# B4A4~~F4#   F4# B4       A4 G4# A4
The Lord is   the stronghold of my life – of whom… shall   I     be   afraid?
  A4   D5 D5 D5     D5 C5#    B4 A4 F4#   B4    B4         B4 C5# D5     E5

When the wick~ed come against me
  F5#   F5# F5#~E5   D5    D5C5# B4
It’s my e~~ne-mies that fall
D5 D5 C5# B4 A4   G4   F4#

One thing I   ask from the Lord is
D5     D5 D5 E5    D5    E5   F5# D5
To gaze on the beauty  of   the Lord.
D5 E5   D5 E5   F5#E5 D5 C5# D5

Hear my voice when I   call   to   you~~ Lord – be   merci~ful   to   me
  A4   D5    D5      D5 D5 C5# B4   A4 ~~   F4#    F4#   B4~   A4 G4#A4
Do-not hide your face from me my Lord – for you have been my help
A4 D5   D5    D5    D5    C5#   B4 A4   F4#    B4   B4    B4    C5# D5   E5

Teach me your way my Lord Jesus
  F5#   F5# F5# E5   D5   D5 C5#B4
lead me   in     a   direct line
  D5 D5 C5# B4 A4G4 F4#

I’ll see the goodness of the Lord
D5 D5 D5   E5   D5   E5 F5# D5
Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart
  D5   E5   D5   E5   F5#   E5      D5 C5#   D5



    About Author

    TEoP Ministry


    My name is Russel Kim. I am a U.S. citizen originally from S. Korea, and I am currently residing in Chicago, IL. It is my plan to build the church in northern downtown Chicago (N Halstead st and W Division st) on a big plot of land that is still owned by the city of Chicago. It is my faith that God will give me this plot of land (given or bought) for me to build multi-story ministry building. The ministry will carry on a theme and identity of "God Country" and as such, people involved in the ministry (staff and congregation/members) will be known as "Godians" (People residing in the Kingdom of God ----Godians). I believe that through TEoP Ministry, an image of God will be redefined in the hearts and minds of Christians and the influence of the Holy Spirit will become a greater part of our lives. In the long run, the city of Chicago will also be known as The City of the Holy Spirit!

    I have been a military brat, thus traveled around a lot, and even as an adult I have traveled around a lot. I have been to (visiting or driving through) pretty much all except upper left quadrant of the U.S.

    My life's journey as a Christian began in 1995, and God had led me through many different jobs and many different experiences ranging from being a construction worker to being a medical doctor.

    During my third year in the medical school, God sent me a dream where He was taking me on a trip that was different from what I was looking forward to as a medical doctor. Though it took a long time for me to realize the path that God had intended for me, and thus, letting go of my aspiration of being a Psychiatrist, I have taken a leap of faith into focusing on that God intended path for my life.

    I went to Moody Bible Institute to get a Master of Divinity degree, but I separated from them after my second year of the program. We had a difference of opinion regarding the Bible, and I got kicked out. My view of the Bible and Christianity is different. It is my view that Christianity is too antiquated and that an updated view of God is a must. Every sector of the world (Science, History, Anthropology, Medicine, etc) is constantly updating with new ideas, new discoveries, and therefore, new understanding, but Christianity is the only sector that has remained the same for centuries.

    The status quo in the Christian community is that we don't question what has been passed down through the generations and that we don't venture looking at scriptures from different angles due to the premise that the older generations had all the right answers regarding the Bible and that they made no mistakes, as God made sure of that. Such complacency is wrong and irresponsible. Christians claim Christianity is a relationship rather than a religion, but how does a relationship never improve? How does a relationship stay the same when all around the world is changing? My ministry will reflect the change in times and God will be shared with the world in the way that God intended, through new discoveries!

    This website is the beginning of my preparation to focus on a journey to start a church and a supporting business (church-business model) for God's Kingdom.

    I ask the readers to help me in any way that God see fit for your lives, and I certainly hope that what I have to share in this site will be a blessing to you as well!

    P.S. If, perchance, that you would like to keep me in your prayers, I ask you to consider these four:
    1) God's continual guidance regarding the church/business concept that he laid on my heart.
    2) Union with teammates that will help me lead the church/business.
    3) Union with life-mate (yes, I'm single) that will help me lead the church/business.
    4) My continual growth in God.

    Thank you!

    Russel Kim